The After Party

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The After Party

With the pressure gone, and the anticipation of whether all the training would keep the Canada’s Cup in the hands of TeamRCYC, well that turned to well deserved excitement and celebration after the race. 


While words can only communicate enough, the following photos and videos show the fun that was had. 

The Hummer, which filled the Canada’s Cup, seemed to be like a frothy root beer float, but in fact is a blended mix of white rum, Kahula and vanilla ice cream. This interesting drink is credited to bartender Jerome Adams, who invented it one night in 1968 at the Bayview Yacht Club in Detroit. Drinking from the cup seemed to be challenging for some, and others had no issue and kept coming back for more. 


Mickey McLaughlin deserved a big sip as sitting on the sidelines watching her husband has to be stressful!

It’s not Terry’s first rodeo with drinking the Hummer, or from the cup, so he drank it like a pro.


Lance needed a drink after being thrown in with the rest of the team, so thank goodness it was right there as he came out.

Scott needed the same, and had Lance at his side.


JP was not only thrown in the water with the team, but he too needed to wet his whistle along with the lads above.


Our Past Commodore, Jamie Keating took part as co-chair of the Canada’s Cup, with Terry’s help!


Before any swimming, Ingrid, one of the two women on board, beamed with pride as she held up the cup.

Our power sailing couple, Lance and Sarah Douglas lit up the cup with their proud smiles.

And the ladies of the Canada’s Cup - Ingrid and Mariah.

If you missed the typical throw-the-skipper-in-the-water, here’s the run up and the final throw (more like drop) in the water of Terry. 


And then a backflip by Paul, Defiant’s owner. 



A celebratory dinner wouldn’t be complete without the Canada’s Cup front and center. Oh, and the cloth napkin on your head. 



Apart from the obvious sweep of a win by Team RCYC, hearing Robert (Bob) Hesse, owner of Zing declare that they will be back, was the best way to end this absolutely incredible experience of competition and camaraderie. 


Thank you to all who were involved in this epic regatta after it’s postponement in 2020. Thank you to RCYC's Communications Manager, Chloe for posting these blogs, and gratitude to you, for reading and following along this blog series. 


See you again in 2022! 


Posted: 9/22/2021 2:37:42 PM by Team Defiant | with 0 comments

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All about Canada's Cup Defense Team leading up to the 2021 Canada's Cup being held September 2nd -5th, 2021 at RCYC. 
The After Party
The Canada’s Cup Defense - SUCCESS
Canada's Cup Day Two
Day One Reactions