All Members are to submit a RCYC Float Plan when they leave the Club for an extended period of time. Click below to submit the form.
RCYC Float Plan
Why should I submit Float Plan? The Float Plan provides essential information to the Sailing Office as to when boats will be away from their docks, where they will be going, and when they intend to return, The Float Plan promotes safe sailing by providing destination, routing, and emergency contact information, as well as information to make efficient use of our docks for our many visiting boats. Therefore, all boaters away from their docks overnight are asked to submit their Float Plans, cruisers as well as members participating in away regattas.
How easy is it to submit an Electronic Float Plan? The new electronic Float Plan is much easier to use than the old paper form. Instead filling in the form and taking it to the Sailing Office or phoning the Office to provide the necessary information, just fill in the electronic form on your phone, device or computer and press submit to send your information directly to the Sailing Office.
Where can I find the Electronic Float Plan form? For easy access, the form is available in many ways.
On the RCYC website in two locations:
- Under Sailing>Boat Owners
- Under Sailing>Cruising Sailors Squadron>Cruisers Information
- Bookmark the form on your personal computer, phone, tablet, etc.
- When you register for a CSS Cruise, providing Float Plan information is part of the registration form.
- The Sailing Office will provide the link in their communications with you.
Members are also welcome to drop by the Sailing office to provide your information to the Dockmaster, or email, or call 416.967.7245 ext. 521 or on VHF Channel 09.
What happens with my Float Plan information? Submitting your Float Plan automatically generates an email copy to you. When the Dockmaster receives your submission, the information you provided is exported to a special Sailing Office Float Plan excel document, instantly adding your safety information and dock availability data.
How to do I update my Float Plan? Plans change. Just advise the Dockmaster ASAP by visiting the Sailing Office or email, or calling 416.967.7245 ext. 521 or VHF Channel 09. Their contact information is provided on the Float Plan form. (The form itself is not yet updateable). Once the update is provided, the Dockmaster will shortly thereafter email you a revised Float Plan.