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Cruising Sailors Squadron (CSS)

Cruising Sailors’ Squadron

Our Cruising Sailors’ Squadron (CSS), a group of about 300 RCYC Members, organizes group cruises to reciprocal clubs and marinas around Lake Ontario.

While promoting seamanship skills, the CSS also provides a collegial atmosphere for new and experienced cruisers to share advice, guidance and experience.

In addition, CSS plans social events, including BBQs, winter seminars and educational sessions. These events are loads of fun and a great way to meet other cruisers and their families! 


2024 CSS Cruises & Sailing Events






May 26

Sail Around the Island & BBQ



June 1 - 2

Port Credit Yacht Club

Shake Down Cruise 


June 15
(Rain Date June 16)

Anchoring Seminar

Coordinated by Bob Noble


June 22 - 23

Lakeshore Yacht Club



June 22 - 23

Terry O'Connell Rally

Youngstown, NY


June 29 - July 1

Fifty Point Yacht Club

Canada Day


July 12 -14

Niagara-on-the-Lake Sailing Club

"Foam" Memorial


July 19 - 21

Rochester Yacht Club

In support of Lake Ontario Challenge Cup


July 25 - 28

Nonsuch Rendezvous



August 6 - 7




August 10 - 11

Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club



August 31 -September 2

Oakville Club

Labour Day


* Registration will open approximately six weeks before each cruise
** Cruise Captains & Social Conveners Needed! To volunteer, email Marvin MaGee at Note, in the event of over-subscription, Cruise Captains & Social Conveners are guaranteed a spot on the cruise.

All Members are to submit a RCYC Float Plan when they leave the Club for an extended period of time. Click below to submit the form. 

RCYC Float Plan

Why should I submit Float Plan? The Float Plan provides essential information to the Sailing Office as to when boats will be away from their docks, where they will be going, and when they intend to return, The Float Plan promotes safe sailing by providing destination, routing, and emergency contact information, as well as information to make efficient use of our docks for our many visiting boats. Therefore, all boaters away from their docks overnight are asked to submit their Float Plans, cruisers as well as members participating in away regattas.

How easy is it to submit an Electronic Float Plan? The new electronic Float Plan is much easier to use than the old paper form. Instead filling in the form and taking it to the Sailing Office or phoning the Office to provide the necessary information, just fill in the electronic form on your phone, device or computer and press submit to send your information directly to the Sailing Office.

Where can I find the Electronic Float Plan form? For easy access, the form is available in many ways.

On the RCYC website in two locations:
  1. Under Sailing>Boat Owners
  2. Under Sailing>Cruising Sailors Squadron>Cruisers Information
  • Bookmark the form on your personal computer, phone, tablet, etc.
  • When you register for a CSS Cruise, providing Float Plan information is part of the registration form.
  • The Sailing Office will provide the link in their communications with you.
Members are also welcome to drop by the Sailing office to provide your information to the Dockmaster, or email, or call 416.967.7245 ext. 521 or on VHF Channel 09.

What happens with my Float Plan information? Submitting your Float Plan automatically generates an email copy to you. When the Dockmaster receives your submission, the information you provided is exported to a special Sailing Office Float Plan excel document, instantly adding your safety information and dock availability data.

How to do I update my Float Plan? Plans change. Just advise the Dockmaster ASAP by visiting the Sailing Office or email, or calling 416.967.7245 ext. 521 or VHF Channel 09. Their contact information is provided on the Float Plan form. (The form itself is not yet updateable). Once the update is provided, the Dockmaster will shortly thereafter email you a revised Float Plan.

2024 Cruising Information

Registration will only be online. Registration will open 6 weeks before each cruise & will stay open for at least 2 weeks (longer for the Rendezvous). Registration will remain open as long as slips are available at the receiving club.

Confirmation & Waitlist: Every effort will be made to accommodate as many yachts as possible given the number and size of slips available at the destination club/marina. Final selection by the sailing office and confirmation (approximately 3 weeks in advance) will be based on the available slips at the destination club/marina. In the case of oversubscription, a random lottery will be done to confirm participation. The only exceptions are the Cruise Captain and Social Convenor who are guaranteed slips. Note that large yachts may not be able to be accommodated at all destinations. 

Cancellation:  All cancellations must be emailed to the Sailing Office at and, unless there are extenuating circumstances (eg. medical emergencies, mechanicals, or severe weather) cancellations on reciprocal cruises are subject to the following
  • If cancellation is within 2 - 14 days of cruise departure, you are required to work with the Sailing Office to make alternate arrangements for your vessel. If you do not, there is a $50.00 fee.
  • If cancellation is within 48 hours of cruise departure, and there are no extenuating circumstances, there is a $150.00 cancellation fee.
Float Plan: You must submit a Float Plan (including emergency contact, route, & any trip extension) to the Sailing Office at least 72 hours prior to departure. File your float plan here

Departure: You must depart the Club by 11h00 on the scheduled departure day to allow for 12h00 check-in for reciprocal yachts

Return: You are to return after 11h00, to allow for 11h00 check-out for reciprocal yachts. Members wishing to return early must make arrangements through the Fleet Coordinator which may require temporary berthing

Early Return: Members requiring early return are requested to notify the Fleet Coordinator as soon as possible at or 416.967.7245 ext. 521

Slips: Slips are to be rid of personal articles i.e., dock lines, mats, etc., to ensure a seamless and welcoming environment for visitors

Tenders: if you wish to leave your tender at the Club, contact the Sailing Office (the Head Dockmaster or Fleet Operations Manager) with at least 1-day advance notice

Mooring: if you require assistance on departure/arrival, contact the Sailing Office via VHF (channel 09) or by phone (416.967.7245 ext. 521) at least 15 minutes in advance

To view the EM Hodder Book, click below:

EM Hodder Book


2024 Executives


Marvin MaGee


CSS Captain


Peggy McFarland


Past CSS Captain


Debra Appleton




Jim Wilkins




Mary Brennan




Doug Farrand


Sailing Events


William Giles


Seminar Events


Barbara Judge


Social Events


Elaine Mason


Social Events


Ron Linden




Kate Wheeler

