9/22/2021 2:37:42 PM by Team Defiant

The After Party

With the pressure gone, and the anticipation of whether all the training would keep the Canada’s Cup in the hands of TeamRCYC, well that turned to well deserved excitement and celebration after the race.    While words can only communicate enough, the following photos and videos show the fun that was had. 

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9/15/2021 3:47:10 PM by Team Defiant


Part of any Regatta, for those not actually racing, is to be on a spectator boat, catching all the action as it unfolds. Spectating could mean you go out on your own boat and invite others to join you, or sign up to be on a boat that has volunteered to take spectators out with them. Being a great host, or spectator is essential to everyone having a memorable time, no matter the race outcome. 

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9/6/2021 12:40:08 PM by Team Defiant

The Canada’s Cup Defense - SUCCESS

With another late start to the day because of light wind conditions, the team stayed on the Island for most of the morning, which was far better than out on the water trying to keep shaded from the sun.    Going into day three, the team was feeling good, not taking anything for granted and Team Zing was also in top form and ready to take on the day.   

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9/4/2021 9:58:50 AM by Team Defiant

Canada's Cup Day Two

The first warning signal is scheduled for 11:00am EST every morning. With day one and the wind in the 15 - 16 kts range, day two wasn’t off to the best start with winds at around 3kts, at the start time of 11:00 am.

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9/3/2021 9:40:29 AM by Team Defiant

Day One Reactions

Wow, what a first day of the Canada’s Cup! North-east winds blowing at about 16kts with blue sky and sunshine for miles. The teams looked great out on the water, and all the spectators were out in full force. Even the Snowbirds were overhead (practicing for the airshow this weekend). 

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Posted: 9/22/2021 2:37:42 PM by Team Defiant

With the pressure gone, and the anticipation of whether all the training would keep the Canada’s Cup in the hands of TeamRCYC, well that turned to well deserved excitement and celebration after the race. 


While words can only communicate enough, the following photos and videos show the fun that was had. 

Posted: 9/15/2021 3:47:10 PM by Team Defiant

Part of any Regatta, for those not actually racing, is to be on a spectator boat, catching all the action as it unfolds. Spectating could mean you go out on your own boat and invite others to join you, or sign up to be on a boat that has volunteered to take spectators out with them. Being a great host, or spectator is essential to everyone having a memorable time, no matter the race outcome. 

Posted: 9/6/2021 12:40:08 PM by Team Defiant

With another late start to the day because of light wind conditions, the team stayed on the Island for most of the morning, which was far better than out on the water trying to keep shaded from the sun. 


Going into day three, the team was feeling good, not taking anything for granted and Team Zing was also in top form and ready to take on the day. 

Posted: 9/4/2021 9:58:50 AM by Team Defiant
The first warning signal is scheduled for 11:00am EST every morning.
With day one and the wind in the 15 - 16 kts range, day two wasn’t off to the best start with winds at around 3kts, at the start time of 11:00 am.
Posted: 9/3/2021 9:40:29 AM by Team Defiant
Wow, what a first day of the Canada’s Cup! North-east winds blowing at about 16kts with blue sky and sunshine for miles. The teams looked great out on the water, and all the spectators were out in full force. Even the Snowbirds were overhead (practicing for the airshow this weekend). 
All about Canada's Cup Defense Team leading up to the 2021 Canada's Cup being held September 2nd -5th, 2021 at RCYC.